From Generation to Generation: My inheritance and the strength of my Ancestors.

My name is Pierre Richard Kern, and I am a descendant of Jakob Kern. My grandfather Jakob lived in Heiden in the canton of Appenzell Ausserrhoden in Switzerland. His hometown was Gais (AR). When I was six years old, I spent eight years with my paternal grandparents, Jakob and his wife Anna Marie. It was my grandmother who “imposed” my faith upon me. Every night before bed, we would pray the Lord’s Prayer, and she also instilled in me the Christian values that strongly influenced me and became the foundation of my life – for my deep faith in God.I had a very happy childhood, but as a teenager, I had self-destructive attitudes and thoughts. My grandparents couldn’t handle my negativity anymore and sought a solution. My uncle and his wife took me in so that I could continue going to school in the same town. After completing my education, I pursued a four-year apprenticeship as a watchmaker-microelectronics technician in Schaffhausen, which I completed in 1996. When my grandparents passed away within two years, I lived with my biological father overseas from 1997 to 2001. There, I worked with him in his business. Unfortunately, I couldn’t attend my grandparents’ funerals as I had to hold the position in the company to allow my biological father to travel to Switzerland. Why am I telling you this?

On July 13, 2014, I realized what eternal life means, as I wrote at Beyond Chance of the anointing story, when I could assign the twelve apostles. This was only the beginning of my perception that I have gained access to the Book of Life. But this happened only sporadically when God pointed me to a chosen one and let me realize through various revelations that my grandparents were already in my life 2,000 years ago when I was Jesus. My grandmother Anna Marie Kern (Tinner) is the virgin Mary chosen by the Holy Spirit to fulfill the prophecy of the prophet Isaiah. My grandfather Jakob Kern, also known as Joseph from Israel, was the husband of the Virgin Mary, which is why Jesus was the son of Joseph. I am well aware that it requires a great deal of belief to trust my words.

As I mentioned before, it took many years for me to understand and, above all, internalize that I am the chosen one. While I try to convey the truth, I have lost many friendships. But King David had already warned me that people would flee from the truth; back then, I didn’t understand the words of King David, which was probably for the best.

God does not want to impose His will on anyone, whether male or female. That also applied to me.

Uncovering My Jewish Heritage:
The Beit Hatfutsot Museum and My Surname Kern


My grandfather died on February 21, 1999, the 5th Adar, 5982 (Moses last day of leadership).

„… there shall come a Star out of Jacob, and a Sceptre shall rise out of Israel,”
Numbers 24:17



I have been led by God to the Genealogical Database of the Beit Hatfutsot Museum, where I discovered irrefutable evidence that I am a direct descendant of Israel, as prophesied in the Torah in Numbers 24:17.

This remarkable connection to the sceptre of Israel confirms the divine guidance that has led me to uncover my ancestral lineage.

The “Beit Hatfutsot Law” was recognized by the Knesset in 2005, establishing the Beit Hatfutsot Museum as the official database of the Jewish people and their genealogy.
I am proud to share that my surname, Kern, is Jewish (as indicated by the red frame in the picture left), serving as tangible proof of my heritage.

Through my lineage, I can trace my ancestry back to Aaron, the esteemed Levitical High Priest and elder brother of Moses.

And the priests the sons of Levi shall come near; for them the LORD thy God hath chosen to minister unto him, and to bless in the name of the LORD;…
Deuteronomy 21:5

The Covenant of Jacob:
Unveiling the Connection Between Genesis 28:10-22 and the Kern Family

Thanks to the heraldry lessons of King David, which delve into the deeper meaning of flags and their designs, I embarked on an Internet search for my family crest. Through divine guidance, the Spirit of the Lord led me to discover the biblical symbols embedded in my family crest. I am grateful to God for the gift of the internet, which facilitated this revelation.

In the table below, you will find a description and graphic representation of my family coat of arms, intricately connected to the Torah—the five books of Moses. This serves as undeniable evidence that my grandfather, Jakob Kern from Switzerland, is the true Jacob, also known as Israel:

Graphic Representation Family Coat of Arms

Coat of arms Description / Blazon
Blue-eared, golden ear of wheat with green stem and green leaves taken from two silver balls.


Note: This is a personal exploration and interpretation based on family history and biblical symbolism

Coat of Arms
Biblical Meaning

Ear of wheat = a symbol of fertility

Silver = a symbol of atonement, salvation, purification

GOD’s Covenant
with Jacob

And thy seed shall be as the dust of the earth, and thou shalt spread abroad to the west, and to the east, and to the north, and to the south: and in thee and in thy seed shall all the families of the earth be blessed.
Genesis 28:14

The Divine Connection:
Unveiling the Prophetic Journey of Anna Marie Kern and the Fulfillment of God’s Promises

My grandmother Anna Marie Kern (Tinner) was chosen by the Holy Spirit to fulfill the prophecy of the prophet Isaiah, as confirmed in both the Old and New Testaments.

Isaiah 7:14 states, “Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel,” which is further affirmed in Matthew 1:18.

In Numbers 24:17, it is prophesied, “There shall come a Star out of Jacob, and a Sceptre shall rise out of Israel.” The presence of a star in the family coat of arms of the Tinner lineage (depicted below) from Frümsen (SG), which bears the single family name of Anna Marie (my grandmother), serves as additional evidence supporting the truth of the Torah.

“I was the son of the Virgin Mary 2,000 years ago. In the time of the end, I was once again allowed to be raised alongside the Virgin Mary, so that the promise of God to Moses could be fulfilled through my grandmother, Anna Marie Kern (Tinner). I am the son of Mary!”

Graphic Representation Family Coat of Arms

… there shall come a Star out of Jacob, and a Sceptre shall rise out of Israel
Numbers 24:17


The star in the family coat of arms Tinner (picture right side) from Frümsen (SG), which is the single family name of Anna Marie (my grandmother), is thus another form of proof that the Torah is true.

“I was the son of the Virgin Mary 2,000 years ago. In the time of the end I was allowed to grow up again with the Virgin Mary. So that finally the promise of GOD to Moses could be fulfilled through my grandmother Anna Marie Kern (Tinner). I am the son of Mary!

The Virgin Mary’s future husband, Joseph of Nazareth (see lineage), was a devout Jew who initially struggled with doubts about marrying Mary, unable to comprehend how she could be impregnated by the Holy Spirit. However, an angel appeared to Joseph in a dream, affirming Mary’s words and assuring him that his future wife had conceived by divine intervention. Joseph chose to marry Mary and lovingly raised the child, considering him as his own flesh and blood and giving him the name Ben Joseph (son of Joseph).

God has led me to my grandparents in Switzerland so that I may be raised with them and acquire the knowledge of eternal life in the End-Time!

I am the Son of Man, as it is written in the Word: the Son of “Man.” The last Adam and no longer the martyr who died on the cross; for I was condemned for alleged blasphemy and even black magic – as I, being the Son of God, performed miracles and preached the Word: Jesus, Son of Joseph of Nazareth; the Son of the Virgin Mary! As written in the New Testament, our fellow human beings will do even greater things in the end than I have done here on earth in Jesus. Was it Jesus who spread Christianity on earth? No, it was his apostles and Paul of Tarsus. They preached the teachings of the Word of God with great enthusiasm and carried out missions, hoping to fulfill the promise of the return of the Son of Man in their lifetime. And that is precisely the core message of the Holy Scriptures, the Bible. It is not man who directs the events, but God who allows them to happen!

Truly, truly, I say to you: Whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do,
and greater works than these will he do, because I am going to the Father.
John 14:12