My Story: A Turning Point of
Truth and Revelation

On Sunday, June 29, 2014, I celebrated my 39th birthday.
Exactly 14 days later, on July 13, 2014, I was anointed by the Spirit of Truth.

But when He, the Spirit of truth, comes, He will guide you into all truth.
For He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak;
and He will tell you things to come.

John 16:13

The Arrival of the Spirit of Truth:
The Dove Cloud and the Statue of Jesus – the Divine Manifestation during the 2014 FIFA World Cup.

Two days before my anointing, on Friday, July 11, 2014, a new phase began. As usual, David was at my house, teaching me lessons about the secrets of symbolic and figurative language. After our farewell, everything started; this was his “final” lesson that lasted more than four years, in which he taught me the Word of the Lord from the Bible. In that crucial moment, it became clear to me that David, the servant of God, King David, was my spiritual father.
The realization hit me like a bullet from a gun, putting my doubts to the test. It was unbelievable… could I be the chosen one? The Messiah? It couldn’t be true! David had never directly told me, but he had found me here in Switzerland, where he lived as a refugee, and taught me about heraldry, etymology, and gematria.

Was all of this part of the preparation? I pleaded to our Father in Heaven to give me clear evidence. I just couldn’t grasp it! My thoughts raced like a roller coaster, filled with doubt, joy, fear, and hope. The confusion was overwhelming, but my heart was filled with deep joy and a warm feeling that I couldn’t explain. This emotional roller coaster lasted for three whole days.

The next day, Saturday, July 12, I woke up feeling like a marathon runner experiencing a runner’s high. The excitement and overwhelming emotions had kept me from sleeping much. I felt carried from one peak to the next. And then the thought came: I should seek the apostles! I started searching and found a German translation about “The 12 Apostles and Their Characteristics.” It was a great find, and I was amazed that within a day, I had found the 12 apostles, writing their names on a piece of paper, realizing that they, like me, lived here in Switzerland. It seemed almost too good to be true. With a satisfied and exhausted feeling, I went to bed that evening, as if I had fulfilled my first mission.

On Sunday morning (the third day, July 13), doubts returned to torment me: “Dear God, is it really true? Am I the Messiah? Please give me a sign! What am I thinking?… “Our Father in Heaven… Thy will be done…”  a few hours later, in the afternoon, it was a beautiful summer day, I prepared for the live broadcast of the final match of the FIFA World Cup from Brazil. I put my 3-4 beers in the fridge and looked forward to supporting my favorite team: Germany – I was ready for the game! As the “World Cup Studio” was being broadcast on German television and there were still three hours until kickoff, I heard an inner voice: “Stand up. Go to the window on your right side and open the blinds!”

Can you guess what I did in that moment? Without hesitation, I stood up. I opened the window on the right side and pushed the blinds to the left and right, securing them against the side wall, while simultaneously looking up at the sky: “Oh… shit…” that was my first thought, and it came right out of my mouth. I felt a sudden inner joy that I had never felt before: “… there’s a dove!!!”… it was a cloud shaped like a dove, 20 to 30 meters away from my window in the sky. The cloud floated slowly towards me on a beautiful summer evening around six o’clock. “Wow… Thank you, dear Father in Heaven…!” Hallowed be thy name for the confirmation and the proof that my thoughts are true; I am the Messiah!”

As the dove cloud flew towards me, I instinctively stretched out my arms towards it… and at that very moment, I heard in my inner right ear: “J – O – S – H – U – A”… which prompted me to extend my arms sideways: The proof of eternal life! Shortly after, I placed my arms back by my side, unconsciously ready to receive the manifestation of the Spirit of Truth or the Spirit of the Lord; which struck my upper body like a “flash.” It was an electromagnetic impulse! As children, we used to play a game of dare on the electric fence of a cow pasture during my childhood in the countryside, to see who could hold on the longest! The flash of the dove was much stronger. But it was an absolutely pleasant feeling. I knelt down on the floor, folded my hands in prayer, and looked perplexed at the dove-shaped cloud majestically floating and slowly dissolving in the sky – the Spirit of the Lord!!!

Back on the couch, it took several hours to understand what I had just seen and experienced. It actually took more than four years for me to grasp it. At 9:00 p.m. local time, the live broadcast of the final of the FIFA World Cup began: Germany versus Argentina – the game was about to start: “Go Germany!” Due to the excitement of the anointing of the Spirit of the Lord, the football match didn’t matter much. Shortly after kickoff, I grabbed a beer and took 2-3 sips, and already I was back in my thoughts, or rather, my doubts resurfaced: “Dear Father in Heaven, is it really true that I am the Messiah? Why me? Please give me a sign… and…”

How much more confirmation could I ask from God? My thoughts were still on a roller coaster. They ran at full speed in an endless loop, perhaps so that doubt could gain enough momentum. “Wow, halftime is already over.” Of course, time flies with all these thoughts swirling in my head. The kickoff for the second half came. Strange… why was I watching the TV without any mental restlessness… “mmhhh interesting” I focused fully on the game. In the 4th minute of the 2nd half game, I suddenly saw the large statue of Jesus in Rio de Janeiro during the live broadcast, as the sun was setting on the horizon (see image below).

The Jesus statue was shown for several seconds, while the game was in full swing in the background. I switched to other channels that were also broadcasting the FIFA World Cup final. Everywhere I looked, I saw the same thing: the Jesus statue in Rio de Janeiro, it became clear to me that this was God’s answer to tell me: “You are the Messiah!”

So that you too can experience the miracle afterwards.

The video on the right shows the Jesus statue during the sunset at 5:04 PM local time in Rio de Janeiro, precisely in the 49th minute of the 2014 FIFA World Cup match.

Source: Google Search Engine ->

Source: Goolge Seach Engine ->

In Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, on Sunday, July 13, 2014,
the astronomical events would have occurred as follows:

Sunrise: The approximate time of sunrise in Rio de Janeiro on that day was around 6:32 AM local time.

Sunset: The approximate time of sunset in Rio de Janeiro on that day was around 5:28 PM local time.

Moon Phase: On July 13, 2014, the moon was in its waxing gibbous phase, which means it was more than half illuminated but not yet a full moon.

Planetary Positions: Visible planets such as Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn might have been observable during the evening hours, depending on their positions at that time.

Source: ->

The birthright

Do not judge from your heart; the truth is emotionless!

The Mission

Sit at my right hand, until I make your enemies a footstool!