Join the 144,000 - Be a part of the global transformation

Who are the 144,000?
In spiritual and collective  traditions, the number 144,000 symbolizes a select group of enlightened beings or spiritual leaders who are destined to play a vital role in the transformation of our world. Now, you have the opportunity to be one of them.


Why join? Global Impact: By becoming one of the 144,000, you will be part of a powerful collective working towards global transformation and addressing pressing issues that affect us all.

Unity in Diversity: We embrace people from all backgrounds, cultures, and beliefs. Our strength lies in our diversity, and together, we can foster unity and understanding.

Meaningful Contribution: Your unique talents, skills, and perspectives will contribute to the richness of our collective efforts. Make a real difference in the lives of individuals and communities worldwide.


The new Middle East that we are establishing

The New Middle East


Requirements to Join:
To be eligible for participation in the 144,000 project, the following criteria must be met:

1. Male or Female: This Mission is open to individuals who identify as male or female.

2. Heterosexual: We welcome individuals who identify as heterosexual.

3. Not Married and/or No Children: Participants should not be married and/or have children.

4. Consent for Complete DNA Analysis: A full DNA analysis to define the abilities is a prerequisite for participating in the mission to allocate the Sealed.

5. Completion of Basic Training: Participants must complete the foundational training at the „TREE of LIFE“ Training Center in Judaea.

6. Financial Commitment: Each Sealed person receives an annual salary of $10 million. They are allowed to keep 1% for personal use, while the remaining 99% must be distributed to friends, acquaintances, relatives, projects, microcredits, etc. without interest or enrichment.

7. Acceptance and Honor of the Creator: „Sealed“ individuals must accept and honor the Creator of the Universe.

Select one of the tribes you believe you belong to based on your profession or skills and fill out the form below.

The 12 Tribes and their Skills
Pre-Inscription & Newsletter Sign up for the 144'000
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Choose Your Tribe

I will get in touch with you soon once I have gathered a group of sealed individuals. I will keep you informed of the progress through the newsletter. If you have colleagues or other potential attendees, please share this information with them as well. Have a nice day!

Best regards,

More information and Biblical Evidences:

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