An Examination of the Biblical Message

The truth in the Bible is often regarded as something sublime and transcendent, surpassing our personal perceptions and biases. It reveals profound insights and unveils a greater reality that goes beyond mere coincidence. However, the pursuit of truth can be challenging as it requires us to question our own conceptions and beliefs.

In doing so, uncomfortable realities are sometimes uncovered, compelling us to grapple with inconvenient truths. Nevertheless, the power of truth should not be underestimated, as it has the ability to transform us and bring about profound changes within ourselves and in our society.

Daniel: The Jewish seer of apocalyptic revelations

In the Babylonian exile in the 6th century BCE, Daniel revealed the end of world empires and the coming Kingdom of God. The book belongs to biblical apocalyptic literature and influenced early Christianity with prophecies about an abomination of desolation. Jesus himself made references to Daniel, and the book was included as one of the final books in the Jewish biblical canon.

Book of Daniel: Chapter 2

In Daniel 2, King Nebuchadnezzar has a dream of a terrifying statue made of different materials. Daniel interprets the dream, revealing that each part represents a different kingdom. The stone not made by human hands will destroy the statue, establishing God’s eternal kingdom. This chapter showcases Daniel’s wisdom and his role in unveiling God’s plan for earthly powers.

Book of Daniel: Chapter 7

In Daniel 7, Daniel receives a vision of four beasts representing different kingdoms. The beasts include a lion, a bear, a leopard, and a terrifying ten-horned beast. Thrones are set, and the Ancient of Days takes his seat. The fourth beast is slain, and the Son of Man receives an everlasting kingdom. This chapter showcases Daniel’s prophetic visions of kingdom succession and the ultimate reign of the Son of Man.

Book of Daniel: Chapter 8

In Daniel 8, Daniel receives a vision of a ram and a male goat. The ram represents the Medo-Persian empire, while the goat symbolizes the Greek empire. The great horn of the goat is broken and replaced by four notable horns, representing the division of the Greek empire. A little horn emerges and becomes a powerful tyrant who persecutes God’s people.

Book of Daniel: Chapter 11

In Daniel 11, a detailed prophecy unfolds, describing the conflicts and events that would unfold in the future. It focuses on the interactions between the kings of the North and the kings of the South, representing different kingdoms. The chapter highlights power struggles, alliances, and the rise of a persecuting ruler. Chapter 11 showcases Daniel’s prophetic insight into geopolitical events and the triumph of righteousness over evil.

Beyond chance

For the words shall be
kept closed and sealed until…

The birthright

Do not judge from your heart; the truth is emotionless!

The Mission

Sit at my right hand, until I make your enemies a footstool!