A Journey through the Eschatology of the Bible

Eschatology deals with the interpretation and understanding of the biblical statements regarding future events. It encompasses the examination of topics such as the Last Judgment, the Second Coming of Christ, the resurrection of the dead, and the destiny of humanity. Eschatology seeks to decipher the hidden meaning of these biblical prophecies and to gain an understanding of God’s plan of salvation for the world.

Through the analysis of biblical texts and theological reflection, eschatology attempts to shed light on the future according to God’s revelation. Sometimes, uncomfortable realities are revealed that compel us to confront inconvenient truths.

Biblical evidence

Are there any proofs
that the Bible is the
absolute truth?

Beyond chance

For the words shall be
kept closed and sealed until…

The birthright

Do not judge from your heart; the truth is emotionless!

The Mission

Sit at my right hand, until I make your enemies a footstool!